Ads & sponsored content

It’s time to
grow your brand

Gain exclusive access to shoppers across the region with Tamara Ads!
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Engage with our customers at scale


11M+ high-intent shoppers

Engage with shoppers actively seeking products like yours.


6M+ clicks every month

Showcase your brand through unique ad placements on our app.


25% increase in sales

Boost your growth and take your brand to another level.

Accelerate your growth with Tamara Ads

Powerful targeting capabilities

Precisely target your campaigns to the right audience by leveraging advanced segmentation tools to reach shoppers based on factors such as interests, purchase behavior, and demographics. Ensure your ads are served to highly qualified leads, maximizing your return on ad spend every single time.


Seamless campaign management

Intuitively create, launch, and optimize your ad campaigns from a centralized dashboard. Access real-time performance metrics and make data-driven adjustments on the fly. With Tamara Ads, you have complete power over your advertising efforts.


Cost-effective growth solution

Drive traffic and boost sales through unique ad placements on our app. Maximize your budget with our cost effective pricing model – pay only for clicks generated by your ad campaigns with cost-per-click (CPC) pricing.


Frequently asked questions

What is Tamara Ads?

Tamara Ads is a powerhouse self-serve advertising platform crafted especially for merchants like you. It's your one-stop shop to create and run targeted ad campaigns that elevate your brand, drive sales, reach a highly relevant audience, and boost your visibility.

How to gain access to Tamara Ads?

Unlocking the power of Tamara Ads is simple. Just ensure you have an active merchant account with Tamara, then head over to your Partner Portal to find the Tamara Ads tab awaiting your exploration.

How to view the performance of my ads?

Track your ad success effortlessly with the Tamara Ads dashboard. It's your central hub for insights, providing detailed metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and total ad spend.

Where will my ads be shown to users?

Your ads take the spotlight on Tamara's mobile app, strategically placed to capture the attention of users who are most likely to be interested in your products or services, based on your audience targeting selections. It's prime real estate for maximum impact.

How much does advertising with Tamara Ads cost?

Tamara Ads operates on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis, ensuring you only pay when someone engages with your ad. You decide how much you are willing to pay for each click, which is your bid amount. The higher your bid, the more likely your ad will be shown ahead of other advertisers competing for the same target audience.

How do I pay for Tamara Ads?

In order to use Tamara Ads, you need to top up your ad credit balance. Ad credits can be purchased directly on the Tamara Ads platform.

The advertising costs for your campaigns will be deducted from your ad credit balance based on the performance of your ads, such as the number of clicks received. You'll be able to track your remaining ad credit balance and advertising spend.

To purchase more ad credits, simply navigate to the "Ad Credits" section and follow the prompts to complete your transaction using one of our accepted payment methods.

What payment methods are accepted?

Tamara Ads accepts card payment methods such as locally issued Visa, Mastercard, and Mada cards.

Where can I download my Tamara Ads Invoices?

You can download invoices for your Tamara Ad Credit top-ups from the "Billings" section of the Partner Portal.

How do you set up ad campaigns with Tamara Ads?

Setting up an ad campaign with Tamara Ads is a straightforward process. From your Partner Portal, head to Tamara ads, and you can create a new campaign, define your target audience, and upload your ad creatives. You'll also need to determine your budget and bidding strategy.

What is the difference between lifetime budget and daily budget?

The difference between a lifetime budget and a daily budget is as follows:

Lifetime budget: This is the maximum amount you're willing to spend on the entire duration of your ad campaign.

Daily budget: This is the maximum amount you're willing to spend on your ad campaign daily.

What is audience targeting?

Audience targeting allows you to define the characteristics of the users you want to see your ads. Tamara Ads offers a range of targeting options, including demographics (age, gender, location) and interests.

Effective targeting ensures that your ads are shown to the most relevant and receptive users, improving the performance of your ads.

How long will it take for my ad campaign to be approved?

Once you've set up your ad campaign, it will go through our review process to ensure compliance with our advertising policies and guidelines. This review process may take up to 1-2 working days but may vary depending on the current review queue.

How does the ad review process work?

During the ad review process, our team of experts will carefully evaluate your ad creative, targeting settings, and campaign details to ensure they align with our advertising policies and guidelines. This includes verifying the accuracy of your ad copy and checking for any restricted or prohibited content.

Why was my ad rejected?

An ad may be rejected if it violates any of our advertising policies or guidelines. Common reasons for rejection include misleading or deceptive claims, prohibited content or products, inappropriate content, or non-compliance with legal or regulatory requirements.

If your ad is rejected, you'll receive detailed feedback from our team, and you'll have the opportunity to make the necessary revisions and resubmit your campaign.

What happens to my ad campaigns if I run out of ad credits?

If you run out of ad credits, all of your ad campaigns will stop running. Once you've topped up your ad credits balance, your ad campaigns will automatically resume from where they left off.

Ads & sponsored content

Ready? Let’s take your business to the next level.

Unlock growth and empower your brand with your first Tamara ad campaign

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Ads & sponsored content

Tamara Financing Company LLC, 2907 At King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Saud Branch Street, King Salman District Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Tamara is available in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.

Tamara is available in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.

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